Almost every establishment these days is in a race towards modernization. Adaptation to modern, comfortable and convenient technology is the best way to stay ahead of the pack. Not just the governmental and corporate companies that are participating in this, but niches such as hospitality & healthcare, law enforcement agencies and recently, educational institutions have jumped on this bandwagon.

More and more educational institutions are seeing the importance of upgrading their current systems to advanced yet convenient bio-metric systems. These advanced systems have not just simplified the back-end administrative/operational tasks for the New Age Schools but have created opportunities for students to have a better and more seamless study experience during their tenure in these educational institutions.

Let us explore at least a few out of the many (which are based on your requirements) applications, pros, and cons of using these sophisticated yet very accessible bio-metric systems in a school setting.

Few Applications:

  1. Let us start with the obvious application. They can be integrated with the attendance system. And these systems can trigger an SMS or Email to the parent or guardian that the children are safe in the school.
  2. They can be integrated with the school connected systems like administration, library, canteen, etc., where both financial and non-financial transactions can be very quickly and accurately captured.
  3. They can be integrated with the tests and examinations so that both the teachers and parents or guardians can be sure that children aren’t cheating by sending a proxy.

These are the widespread use cases of the biometric systems in the New Age Schools and other educational establishments. But they can be customized based on your requirements too.

Coming to the pros and cons of the system, let us begin with the cons:

  1. Although the installation of these devices is budget friendly, the integration process will take time, effort and resources.
  2. If the software has glitches, the students bio-data can get miss matched.

Pros of the biometric systems:

  1. They give a modern outlook to a rather old system of school.
  2. They simplify the back-end tasks of administration and operations.
  3. They are a proof of the actual presence of students either in class or the exam.
  4. Endless customization of the reports and alert applications can be designed and triggered. For instance, the automatic SMS or email alerts of the children’s attendance to their parents or guardians.
  5. Once installed and integrated, these bio-metric systems work seamlessly for many years with frequent hardware and software upgrades thus giving you the best ROI.

Clearly the pros outweigh the cons. Hence, if you are in the process of upgrading your school and its systems, integration of the biometric systems to manage all the schooling tasks can be the perfect addition.

Biometric devices in New Age Schools

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